First Aid

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NPN | Add Your Local Pharmacy to your Travel Check-List

Planning your holiday takes a lot of preparation. You’ve booked the flights and accommodation, you’re planning what to pack - but amidst the excitement, it’s easy to overlook a crucial aspect of your travel planning: a visit to your local pharmacy! Although it may not be the first thing on your mind, a trip to the pharmacy down the road can provide you with countless services and products that will make your trip more comfortable and stress-free. Here are a few of the reason why you should make a stop at your local pharmacy before you go on holiday.

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NPN | First Aid

When an accident happens, you have to work fast. Thousands of people in the UK die or are seriously injured in accidents and incidents, but these deaths could be prevented if first aid is given before emergency services arrive. In some case, the best thing you can do is call 111 or 999 and follow the instructions given to you by the professionals on the other end of the phone - but before a minor accident occurs within the home, you can do some things to prepare and ensure you have all of the tools you need to take care of yourself and your family.

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