NPN | Pharmacy First | Ear Ache

What is Earache?

Earache (or otalgia) affects people of all ages, notably young children, and presents symptoms ranging from sharp, persistent pain to a dull, throbbing discomfort. If you’re struggling with earache, you might experience a sensation of fullness in the ear, hearing difficulties, fever, and sometimes discharge.

Although there are several home remedies to alleviate earache; such as applying a warm cloth to the affected area, taking over-the-counter pain relief medication, and avoiding the insertion of objects into the ear - if you’re experiencing persistent or worsening symptoms, it’s probably time to seek professional advice.

How Can Pharmacy First Help?

If you need prompt, professional advice, Pharmacy First is here to help. Rather than navigating the hassle of appointment booking and the inconvenience of the waiting room at your GP, you can now turn to your local community pharmacy instead. Pharmacy teams across the country have been equipped to assess earache symptoms and recommend treatments like pain relief medications or ear drops. Your local pharmacist will be able to provide guidance on when to seek further medical consultation - but popping into your nearest chemist should be your first stop on the road to recovery.

Opting for Pharmacy First offers you several advantages. It provides immediate assistance for minor ailments, bypassing the often longer waiting times associated with GP visits. This will reduce the burden on emergency services and GP practices, and should give you a more satisfying healthcare experience overall.

How Do I Use Pharmacy First?

The referral process to Pharmacy has been carefully designed to be as efficient and convenient as possible. You can access the service by simply walking into your nearest pharmacy - or you can get a referral from NHS111, your GP, or other urgent care providers. If you get referred in this way, a secure electronic referral will be sent to your chosen pharmacy, which will contact you within 30 minutes, to ensure you get the care you need quickly.


Pharmacy First is a commitment to a healthier future, highlighting the essential role your local pharmacy plays in your community. Next time you’re struggling with earache, just pop into your nearest pharmacy to speak to a medical professional, and get the help you need quickly.