A Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) offers blood pressure, dietary, active lifestyle, alcohol, sexual health and weight issues advice. A consultation room is available for privacy use. Every staff is a dementia friend who enables your visit a pleasant experience. Local Minor Ailments scheme provider with no appointment system Wigan quit smoking service provider with no appointment system & dispensing NRT vouchers. Electronic prescription service is available for all surgeries including out-of-areas. Dispensed medicines can be collected or arranged for 'home' delivery within Ashton areas. Personal 'blisterpacks' can be arranged for easier medicine administration. Individualised Medicine Checks are offered on new and essential treatments like inhalers, heart, diabetic, blood clotting medicines and after hospital discharges. New Urgent Medicines Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS) provider for urgent medicines supply situations via NHS 111 referral. Medicines disposal service for unwanted or expired medicines other than injections, lancets & needles. If we cannot accept, we can signpost to your nearest pharmacy who does. We always welcome feedback from your experience to be better. Why not write a review for us.